A first for New Westminster: Tigrinya Storytime

New Westminster Family Place is delighted to announce a significant moment of community empowerment: in collaboration with the New West Public Library, we successfully hosted the inaugural Tigrinya Storytime in New West in May, 2024.

Tigrinya is a language spoken in the Tigre region of Northern Ethiopia and in Eritrea. New Westminster has seen a great uptick in newcomers from these countries: 13.3% of our newcomers in 2021 came from Africa.

Our dedicated Aida Abdelkadir leads the Storytime drop-in sessions under the mentorship of Muktar from DiverseCity BC, whose Tigrinya storytimes at the Guilford Library in Surrey have been a source of inspiration. Together, they are not only enriching our library’s collection but also fostering a sense of belonging for newcomers from Eritrea and Ethiopia.

This milestone highlights the strength of unity and the power of inclusion. We are deeply grateful for the support of our community and look forward to continuing this journey of cultural celebration and mutual understanding. 

Interested in joining our next Tigrinya Storytime? Please visit us at the New West Public Library on Monday, June 3, from 1:30 to 2:30 pm.

Nobody’s Perfect Tigrinya (registered)

Picture of a woman of African descent with a smiling baby

This session will be delivered in Tigrinya (ትግርኛ; also spelled Tigrigna)

WHEN: Tuesdays, May 21 – June 25, 2024 (must participate in all 6 sessions) 12:00-2:00 PM. Participation is all 6 sessions is recommended

COST: FREE with child minding and bus tickets available

This course is FREE, however, it is valued at $430 per session. We ask parents who register for Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program to consider this cost to our small non-profit, and commit to attending as though they have paid for it.

LOCATION: New Westminster Family Place, Training Room at 112-960 Quayside Drive.


For more information on this program see the following links:



NOBODY’S PERFECT is owned by the Public Health Agency of Canada

Tigrinya Storytime

Join Mrs. Aida for a special Storytime at the New Westminster Public Library in the Tigrinya language. Hear stories, connect with other families and learn about library resources.

All families, regardless of language, are welcome to participate.

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program in Tigrinya (registered program)

This session will be delivered in Tigrinya (ትግርኛ; also spelled Tigrigna)

WHEN: Tuesdays January 16 – February 20, 2024 (must participate in all 6 sessions) 12:00-1:30 PM

DURATION: Participation is all 6 sessions is recommended

ሶሉስ ጥሪ 16 – ለካቲት 20, 2024 ም ተሳፈቲ ነዚመደብ ኣብ ኩሉ 6 ክፋላ ክሳተፍ ኣለዎ።

COST: FREE with child minding and bus tickets available

 ናይ ህጻናትን ምሕላይን ናይ ኣውቶቡስ ትኬትን ኣሎ

This course is FREE, however, it is valued at $430 per session. We ask parents who register for Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program to consider this cost to our small non-profit, and commit to attending as though they have paid for it.

እዚ ኮርስ ብነጻ እዩ፣ ይኹን እምበር፣ ንሓደ ክፍለ ግዜ በከፈሊት ክትመን ከሎ $430 ዋጋ ይት ነዚ መደብ እዚ ዝምዝገቡ ወለዲ ነዚ ወጻኢታት ነታ ንእሽቶ ንመኽሰብ ዘይትሰርሕ ትካልና ኣብ ግምት ከእትውዎ ንሓትት፣ ከምኡውን ከም ዝኸፈልዎ ጌሮም ክሳተፉ ንላቦ

LOCATION: New Westminster Family Place, Training Room at 112-960 Quayside Drive.


ነዚ መደብ ምዝገባ የድሊ።

Please note that registering on Eventbrite does NOT guarantee a place in the program. All applicants are contacted by our facilitators and are required to go through a short interview process in the form of a survey to see if they are eligible.

For more information on this program see the following links:



NOBODY’S PERFECT is owned by the Public Health Agency of Canada