This is a place where all families with Children from 0 to 6 find encouragement, support and resources to thrive.
We offer barrier and cost-free family playtime programs, and free registered in-person talks, workshops, and parenting programs for families with children in the early years (aged 0-6). Come to New Westminster Family Place to find support, strengthen your relationships with your children, enhance how you feel about parenting, and build community connection.
We offer drop in programs, workshops and parenting groups for all families to find support, strengthen their relationships with their children and their family members, enhance how they feel about their parenting, and build community connection and belonging.
Our parenting programs and workshops are designed to enhance parenting skills & develop a positive community for families.
Drop in programs are parent participation, are no cost, and do not require pre-registration. Come and play with us!
Activity packs are for holidays and events to encourage creative play and learning for our New West families at home.
We have a collection of engaging and developmentally appropriate toys you can borrow for infants, toddlers or preschoolers, housed at the New West Public Library.
Our programs are for families with children 0-6 years including grandparents, caregivers, extended and chosen family. We support and embrace families of every gender, background or socioeconomic status and we offer programs all around New West – across the community – touching every neighborhood – and at consistent times.