
Parent Events & Talks

In addition to our Nobody’s Perfect, Circle of Security, and Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting Programs, we also offer regular workshops and monthly events. Our Parenting events, workshops, presentations and discussion groups are designed to enhance parenting skills and develop a positive community for families. We offer a free workshop/talk monthly, and registration is required.

This month’s events

Are you a parent of a neurodivergent child? Joining a peer support group for parents of neurodivergent children provides understanding, shared experiences, and practical advice in a supportive community. Register to come together with other parents like you in this month’s gathering.

Past events

In the past we have offered regular workshops on sleep routines, potty training, the Tree of Life Art Therapy Workshop, Pelvic floor health post-baby, Naloxone Training for Caregivers, Signing with Baby, Intimacy & Reconnecting for Parents & Caregivers, Child First Aid, and Baby Foods and Health with Chef Meeru.