Baby Talk (drop in) with guest Kate von Schellwitz

If you’re a new parent with a pre-mobile baby (0-9 months) and need to find your people and how to navigate this new life, you’ve come to the right place! 

This free, unregistered program is a chance to meet others like yourself weekly with snacks and coffee, where you and your baby can discuss routines, sleeping, breastfeeding, development and stages, health, transition from couple to family, and resources in the community. Each week we have a special expert guest presentation on a topic relevant to you.

This week we are joined by Kate Von Schellwitz from Gravida Physiotherapy who will discuss your pelvic floor health post-baby!

Our safe and clean space at Quayside is a great place for you and baby to connect with others in your community! 

Baby Talk (drop in)

If you’re a new parent with a pre-mobile baby (0-9 months) and need to find your people and how to navigate this new life, you’ve come to the right place! 

This free, unregistered program is a chance to meet others like yourself weekly with snacks and coffee, where you and your baby can discuss routines, sleeping, breastfeeding, development and stages, health, transition from couple to family, and resources in the community. Each week we have a special expert guest presentation on a topic relevant to you.

Our safe and clean space at Quayside is a great place for you and baby to connect with others in your community! 

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program

A young Asian family shares positive feedback about being seen and heard without judgement against a blue background.

No one is born knowing how to parent. Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program is a nationally run peer-support group for parents of children 0-6 years old. Topics each week are customized to the group’s needs and requests, and discussions are facilitated by our trained staff.

This program is provided to support you in:

  • Understanding your child by meeting them where they are at within their development;
  • Becoming better informed about your child’s health, safety and behaviour;
  • Improving coping skills to deal with the everyday stress of parenting;
  • Developing positive parenting skills;
  • Meeting other parents of young children to discuss real-life parenting situations;
  • Finding community services and resources that you can use at your family’s particular stage in life.

This is a registered course.

Welcoming Our Summer Interns: The Value of Internships and Learning from Non-Profits

We’re thrilled to welcome our two summer interns, Kayla and Aline, to the New Westminster Family Place team!

Kayla, a Communications student at Simon Fraser University, and Aline, a Sociology student at the University of Victoria, are dedicating eight weeks this summer as part of the Canada Summer Jobs Program to assist in administration, promotion, planning, and running our outdoor drop-ins at Westminster Pier Park and the Kids Zone at Fridays on Front Street.

The Value of Summer Internships

Summer internships offer students like Kayla and Aline invaluable opportunities to apply their academic knowledge in real-world settings. These experiences help bridge the gap between classroom learning and practical application, providing interns with a deeper understanding of their fields of study. For Kayla, the opportunity to delve into event planning aligns perfectly with her communications background. The hands-on experience she gains in organizing events, coordinating logistics, and engaging with the community will be instrumental as she prepares for a career in communications and event management.

Aline’s internship is equally significant. As a sociology student, she is passionate about understanding social structures and fostering community connections. Her role at New Westminster Family Place allows her to witness firsthand the impact of social programs on families and individuals. This experience will enrich her academic pursuits and provide her with practical insights into the importance of social support systems.

Learning from Non-Profits: The Value of Social Connection and Support

Working with non-profits like New Westminster Family Place offers interns a unique perspective on the power of social connection and support. Non-profits are often at the forefront of addressing community needs, providing essential services, and creating spaces for individuals to connect and thrive. For Kayla and Aline, being part of an organization that emphasizes community and family well-being is a profound learning experience.

Kayla’s Perspective: The Joy of Planning and People

Kayla is excited to gain more experience in event planning and loves the atmosphere of large outdoor gatherings. “I love live music and concerts and all the details of event planning.” Her enthusiasm for creating memorable experiences for others is evident in her dedication to organizing events that bring the community together. Through her internship, Kayla will learn about the intricacies of event planning, from securing permits to coordinating with vendors and volunteers. More importantly, she’ll see the joy and connection that well-planned events can bring to families and individuals, reinforcing the value of her work.

Aline’s Perspective: The Importance of Community Connections

Aline is keen to reconnect with the community she grew up in and make positive connections with families. “Seeing how you can focus so much on the individual and make such a big difference. It’s about the little connections that you make.” Her sociology studies have taught her about the importance of social networks and support systems, and her internship will provide a practical application of these concepts. Aline’s interactions with families at our drop-ins and Kids Zone will highlight how small, meaningful connections can significantly impact individuals’ lives, fostering a sense of belonging and support within the community.

Beyond the Internship: Personal Growth and Community Involvement

When they aren’t spending their time at Family Place this summer, Kayla and Aline have personal interests that further illustrate their commitment to family and community. Kayla enjoys spending time with her sisters, who she deeply admires, out enjoying concerts or quietly scrapbooking her memories. Aline, who goes to school far from her family, will be enjoying her time with them and particularly with her mom (her hero!), experimenting in baking, or out on a hike.

Their personal passions and dedication to family and community mirror the values of New Westminster Family Place, making them perfect additions to our team.

Get Ready for an Amazing Summer

With Kayla and Aline’s fresh energy and creative ideas, we’re looking forward to an amazing summer. Their contributions will not only enhance our programs but also leave a lasting impact on the community we serve. Join us in welcoming Kayla and Aline to the New Westminster Family Place team and get ready for a summer filled with fun, connection, and community spirit!

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program

No one is born knowing how to parent. Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program is a nationally run peer-support group for parents of children 0-6 years old. Topics each week are customized to the group’s needs and requests, and discussions are facilitated by our trained staff.

This program is provided to support you in:

  • Understanding your child by meeting them where they are at within their development;
  • Becoming better informed about your child’s health, safety and behaviour;
  • Improving coping skills to deal with the everyday stress of parenting;
  • Developing positive parenting skills;
  • Meeting other parents of young children to discuss real-life parenting situations;
  • Finding community services and resources that you can use at your family’s particular stage in life.

This is a registered course.

Neighbourhood Small Grants: A Celebration of Community Spirit and New Projects 

New Westminster Family Place recently hosted a lively Neighbourhood Small Grant (NSG) cheque presentation party to welcome new project leaders and kick off the 2024 season. The event was a huge success, with attendees enjoying food, drinks, an art activity, and discussions on making the program inclusive. Many shared how connected and warm the event felt, creating great momentum for the year ahead. 

Administering the NSG program is a key part of New Westminster Family Place’s mission to build a strong, connected community. By supporting residents in creating their own initiatives, we foster a sense of belonging and strengthen our local networks for young families and across New Westminster. 

Applications for the NSG program poured in during April, showcasing a wonderful variety of projects. We are especially excited to see participation from multiple generations and diverse cultural backgrounds this year with over 80 projects happening between now and the fall season. This rich diversity reflects the vibrant and inclusive community spirit we strive to promote in New Westminster. 

Neighbourhood Small Grant Summit: Sharing Stories and Building Connections 

On June 7th, the Neighbourhood Small Grant Summit was held at the Inn at the Quay, bringing together project leaders from various communities from as far away as Vancouver Island. Participants shared stories about their projects and the profound impacts on their communities and their lives as project leaders. We heard from passionate individuals about the big differences that a small fund can make in building confidence and connecting people through Head, Heart, and Hands. 

The event featured inspiring hosts, including our own Dana Osiowy, who led a walk along the Quay with a fun stop at Family Place. The summit was opened by Niis Miou, a repeat Vancouver project leader and a two-spirit member of the Nisgaa nation. Niis Miou shared stories of protocol, emphasizing the importance of introducing oneself as a relational gift to others. They highlighted how “to belong is to share your presence, that you’re here. Stand up and let your presence be known!” 

Announcing the 2024 New Westminster Neighbourhood Small Grant Recipients! 

Here’s a list of the fantastic projects that have received grants this year: 

  • Carolyn Armanini: Block Party 
  • Donabelle Goyengko: Five-year anniversary of the “Rockstars of Queensborough” painted rock garden event 
  • Cindy Blaison: The 2024 Ninth Street Gathering 
  • Louise Cournoyer: COMPASS: Live Rehearsal Workshop 
  • Jessica Roca Muncaster: Halloween celebration for newcomers from Peru 
  • Edward Dela Luna: Friendship Club Board Gaming at the River Market 
  • Stephen Gbongon: Sport Day at the Conevy 
  • Thomas Ciprian: Tomapalooza 2024 
  • Melinda Michael: Northbank Block Party 
  • Tina Fan: New Westminster connection and block party for mamas and babies 
  • Teri Pittman: Pizza Party for Single Moms 
  • Ashley Sotoodeh: International finger foods 
  • Sarah Elder: Postpartum reunion 
  • Susannah Fradley: New Westminster Townhall 
  • Adriana Grillo: Planting, growing, and harvesting 
  • Nikki Pataracchia: Postpartum Support Group 
  • PengLing He: Professional Photography Workshop 
  • Maki Cairns: Building Community & Experiencing History through Films 
  • Kelly Cannon: New West Pickleball Picnic and Playday 
  • Elizabeth Alvarez Alfaro: Latin American Heritage Fiesta 
  • Andres Diaz: Kids, Karaoke & Kilos of fun 
  • Selamawit Hagos: Financial awareness and consumer rights 
  • Z Deres Secondary School: Celebrating Habesha culture 
  • Mary Chan: Plant It Forward 
  • Lorena Gutierrez Sanchez: Latin American cooking classes for all ages 
  • YE WINT KO: Moody Park Aliens 
  • Shelley Brown: Connaught Heights Carnival 
  • Elizabeth Cottam: Burnaby Block BBQ #3! 
  • Rob Hughes: Pride Hoedown 
  • Kathryn Chan: Queensborough Sewing Group 
  • Teresa Rehman: Workshops to improve service for local community leaders and workers 
  • Mahalakshmi Muthaiya: A Day with South Indian Cuisine 
  • Kyle Davison: Fifth Street BBQ 
  • Mary Sosa: Little box of surprises “Matthew & Christopher” 
  • Jennifer Moreau: Discovery Reach social/potluck 
  • Jonathan Baylis: Jazz Night in the West End 
  • Heather Boersma: Block party to celebrate new pollinator pasture 
  • Deisy Maritza Ospina: Macrame and dancing at The Brockton 
  • Prachi Singh: Mind Renewal: A holistic detox workshop for two days of one hour each 
  • Jaqueline Brower: The great golden pine cone hunt 
  • Sawsan Hamie: Thanksgiving gathering 
  • Sally Lau: Art project 
  • Joshua Pablo: 11th Street Block Party 
  • Bob Petrusa: Being kind to the neighborhood 
  • Leila Askarzadeh Mazraeh: Summer get-together 
  • Yasaman Khosronia: Glenbrook Ravine Restoration Project 
  • Julie Carr: Merge 
  • Weili Meng: Celebrate the moon festival 
  • Ross Morris: Argyle Street Fall Harvest Block Party 
  • Jodi Harbour: Hamilton Street Holiday Decoration Event 
  • Grace Steyn: Qayqayt Spring Family Event 
  • Amber Orchard: 4th Street Block Party 
  • Nancy Sinclair: Canada Day Breakfast 2024 
  • Quayside Voices: Songs off Quayside 
  • Gerald Sommers: Garrett Street 2024 Block Party 
  • Clarissa Banos: When You Sing: A Special Mother’s Day Celebration for every caregiver of children 
  • Manisha Rajora: 200 Block Celebration 
  • Robert Granewall: Lido Strata know your neighbour barbecue 
  • Jae-Oak Fouquette: StrataBCS 2925 
  • Giovanna Ciprian: NW Book Club 
  • Ruby Campbell and Johanna Bartels: 12th Street Jane’s Walk & Foodie Tour 
  • Eleanor V Sotto: Flower arrangement 
  • Rosa Rivera: Latin Community Integration 2024 
  • Jiayi Li: Seniors Block Party 
  • Rose Xu: Rose’s cooking, gardening, and tea project 
  • Baiying Zhang: English Story Time 
  • Meaghen Taylor-Reid: Kelly Street Gardens 
  • Fengxian Ma: Neighborhood Gardening and Planting Exchange 
  • Gary Lake: The Queensborough Knitting Club to make hats and lap blankets for Seniors Care home 
  • Craig Thompson: Gardens 4 Kids 
  • Nina Priddle: Osborne Avenue Block Party 
  • Wang Shiping: Enjoy Art and Nature—Outdoor Sketching 
  • Jennifer Baetz: Little Rabbits Gardening 
  • Nagham Najm: Community Cooking Classes – Multi-Cultural 
  • Sanju Sanju: Traditional Henna & Indian food by Sanju 
  • Eryn Collins: Brow of the Hill Spring Gathering 2024 
  • Jennifer Orellana: Seminar: Making your home more energy efficient 
  • Pamela Morgan: Rock the Block 
  • Cathy Lawrence: Little Library 
  • Yue Chin Lai: Lookout Community Garden 
  • Essey Teckle: Movie Night 
  • Sophia Donschenko: Beginner Crocheting Class 
  • Pedro Soares: New West Skate Jam + BBQ 
  • Megan Campbell: Birthday in a Box 
  • Destiny Hopkins: Cake Decorating Class 

We are excited to see these projects come to life and encourage everyone in the community to join in and support these wonderful initiatives. Here’s to a fantastic 2024 season!  Thank you to Mark Strathern for the event photos, and to the Vancouver Foundation and the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC for all of your program funding and support!

A first for New Westminster: Tigrinya Storytime

New Westminster Family Place is delighted to announce a significant moment of community empowerment: in collaboration with the New West Public Library, we successfully hosted the inaugural Tigrinya Storytime in New West in May, 2024.

Tigrinya is a language spoken in the Tigre region of Northern Ethiopia and in Eritrea. New Westminster has seen a great uptick in newcomers from these countries: 13.3% of our newcomers in 2021 came from Africa.

Our dedicated Aida Abdelkadir leads the Storytime drop-in sessions under the mentorship of Muktar from DiverseCity BC, whose Tigrinya storytimes at the Guilford Library in Surrey have been a source of inspiration. Together, they are not only enriching our library’s collection but also fostering a sense of belonging for newcomers from Eritrea and Ethiopia.

This milestone highlights the strength of unity and the power of inclusion. We are deeply grateful for the support of our community and look forward to continuing this journey of cultural celebration and mutual understanding. 

Interested in joining our next Tigrinya Storytime? Please visit us at the New West Public Library on Monday, June 3, from 1:30 to 2:30 pm.

Family Place in the Kids’ Zone at the Steel & Oak 10th Anniversary Party

Text outlining the event with a cute black and white ice cube holding a balloon

Celebrate with New Westminster Family Place at Steel & Oak Brewery’s family-friendly 10th Anniversary Party on June 23rd from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM!

Join us for a fun-filled day with activities for kids and families, and learn more about our programs and services. Come meet our team, and enjoy the festivities as we mark this special milestone with our supporters at S&O and the community. We can’t wait to see you there!

Family Place at the New to New West Intercultural Festival

Image of people in rainbow colours

Join New Westminster Family Place at the New to New West Intercultural Festival on June 8th from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM at the Welcome Centre!

We’re excited to celebrate the diversity of our community with engaging activities for families and children.

Visit our booth to learn more about our programs, meet our friendly staff, and connect with other newcomers. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing in this vibrant cultural experience!

New West Family Place at the Grand Opening of Təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre

Image of the new təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre

Join New Westminster Family Place at the Grand Opening of the Təməsew̓txʷ Community and Aquatic Centre on June 1st from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM!

We’re excited to be part of this special event, offering fun activities for families and children.

Come visit our booth to learn more about our programs, meet our team, and enjoy a day of community celebration. We look forward to seeing you there!