Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program

A young Asian family shares positive feedback about being seen and heard without judgement against a blue background.

No one is born knowing how to parent. Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program is a nationally run peer-support group for parents of children 0-6 years old. Topics each week are customized to the group’s needs and requests, and discussions are facilitated by our trained staff.

This program is provided to support you in:

  • Understanding your child by meeting them where they are at within their development;
  • Becoming better informed about your child’s health, safety and behaviour;
  • Improving coping skills to deal with the everyday stress of parenting;
  • Developing positive parenting skills;
  • Meeting other parents of young children to discuss real-life parenting situations;
  • Finding community services and resources that you can use at your family’s particular stage in life.

This is a registered course.

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program

No one is born knowing how to parent. Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program is a nationally run peer-support group for parents of children 0-6 years old. Topics each week are customized to the group’s needs and requests, and discussions are facilitated by our trained staff.

This program is provided to support you in:

  • Understanding your child by meeting them where they are at within their development;
  • Becoming better informed about your child’s health, safety and behaviour;
  • Improving coping skills to deal with the everyday stress of parenting;
  • Developing positive parenting skills;
  • Meeting other parents of young children to discuss real-life parenting situations;
  • Finding community services and resources that you can use at your family’s particular stage in life.

This is a registered course.

Nobody’s Perfect Tigrinya (registered)

Picture of a woman of African descent with a smiling baby

This session will be delivered in Tigrinya (ትግርኛ; also spelled Tigrigna)

WHEN: Tuesdays, May 21 – June 25, 2024 (must participate in all 6 sessions) 12:00-2:00 PM. Participation is all 6 sessions is recommended

COST: FREE with child minding and bus tickets available

This course is FREE, however, it is valued at $430 per session. We ask parents who register for Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program to consider this cost to our small non-profit, and commit to attending as though they have paid for it.

LOCATION: New Westminster Family Place, Training Room at 112-960 Quayside Drive.


For more information on this program see the following links:

NOBODY’S PERFECT is owned by the Public Health Agency of Canada

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program – Tigrinya (registered program)

The session registration is now FULL. Please contact us at to be added to the waitlist.

This session will be delivered in Tigrinya (ትግርኛ; also spelled Tigrigna)

ካብ ረቡዕ መጋቢት 6 ክሳብ ሚያዝያ 10ሰዓት 5፡00 ድሕሪ ቀትሪ ክሳብ ሰዓት 7፡00 ድሕሪ ቀትሪ።

WHEN: Wednesdays, March 6 – April 10, 2024 (must participate in all 6 sessions) 5:00-7:00 PM. Participation is all 6 sessions is recommended

ነጻ ናይ ህጻናትን ምሕላይን ናይ ኣውቶቡስ ትኬትን ኣሎ።

COST: FREE with child minding and bus tickets available

እዚ ኮርስ ብነጻ እዩ፣ ይኹን እምበር፣ ንሓደ ክፍለ ግዜ በከፈሊት ክትመን ከሎ $430 ዋጋ ይትመን። ነዚ መደብ እዚ ዝምዝገቡ ወለዲ ነዚ ወጻኢታት ነታ ንእሽቶ ንመኽሰብ ዘይትሰርሕ ትካልና ኣብ ግምት ከእትውዎ ንሓትት፣ ከምኡ’ውን ከም ዝኸፈልዎ ጌሮም ክሳተፉ ንላቦ።

This course is FREE, however, it is valued at $430 per session. We ask parents who register for Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program to consider this cost to our small non-profit, and commit to attending as though they have paid for it.

ነዚ መደብ ምዝገባ የድሊ።

LOCATION: New Westminster Family Place, Training Room at 112-960 Quayside Drive.


For more information on this program see the following links:

NOBODY’S PERFECT is owned by the Public Health Agency of Canada

Don’t Ignore Your Pelvic Floor FREE Workshop

Childbirth, postpartum and perimenopause can all cause changes to your pelvic floor. These changes can affect your overall quality of life.

Join us for a FREE workshop to learn how to improve your pelvic health and strength at home. Refreshments will be served.

Registration is required. With limited spaces available, we ask that if you register but are unable to attend please send us an email to as soon as possible so that we can open up a waitlist for others.

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program in Tigrinya (registered program)

This session will be delivered in Tigrinya (ትግርኛ; also spelled Tigrigna)

WHEN: Tuesdays January 16 – February 20, 2024 (must participate in all 6 sessions) 12:00-1:30 PM

DURATION: Participation is all 6 sessions is recommended

ሶሉስ ጥሪ 16 – ለካቲት 20, 2024 ም ተሳፈቲ ነዚመደብ ኣብ ኩሉ 6 ክፋላ ክሳተፍ ኣለዎ።

COST: FREE with child minding and bus tickets available

 ናይ ህጻናትን ምሕላይን ናይ ኣውቶቡስ ትኬትን ኣሎ

This course is FREE, however, it is valued at $430 per session. We ask parents who register for Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program to consider this cost to our small non-profit, and commit to attending as though they have paid for it.

እዚ ኮርስ ብነጻ እዩ፣ ይኹን እምበር፣ ንሓደ ክፍለ ግዜ በከፈሊት ክትመን ከሎ $430 ዋጋ ይት ነዚ መደብ እዚ ዝምዝገቡ ወለዲ ነዚ ወጻኢታት ነታ ንእሽቶ ንመኽሰብ ዘይትሰርሕ ትካልና ኣብ ግምት ከእትውዎ ንሓትት፣ ከምኡውን ከም ዝኸፈልዎ ጌሮም ክሳተፉ ንላቦ

LOCATION: New Westminster Family Place, Training Room at 112-960 Quayside Drive.


ነዚ መደብ ምዝገባ የድሊ።

Please note that registering on Eventbrite does NOT guarantee a place in the program. All applicants are contacted by our facilitators and are required to go through a short interview process in the form of a survey to see if they are eligible.

For more information on this program see the following links:

NOBODY’S PERFECT is owned by the Public Health Agency of Canada

Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting (registered program)

Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting (PDEP) was designed to help parents learn how to teach children effectively while respecting their rights. It’s an approach that can guide all interactions with children, not just the challenging ones, to promote healthy child development and strong parent-child relationships. The gentle, non-violent approach to parenting taught in this 9-week course can be used from birth onward.

Based on research in children’s healthy development, and effective parenting, and founded on child rights principles, PDEP is not permissive parenting and is not about punishment. It is about long-term solutions that develop children’s own self-discipline and lifelong skills and is designed to have you teaching non-violence, empathy, self-respect, human rights and respect for others.

Positive Discipline is for all parents, grandparents, foster parents and others who care for children of all ages. It’s also for future parents. And it’s for those who support parents, such as parent educators, parent group facilitators, and family support workers. It can be helpful for any family.

This is a registered event and participants must be able to attend all 9 sessions.

Circle of Security (Online, registered program)

At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you.

The 8-week Circle of Security Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.

The Circle of Security program aims to:

  • Understand your child’s emotional world by learning to read the emotional needs,
  • Support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions,
  • Enhance the development of your child’s self-esteem,
  • Honor your innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure.

Our facilitator, Joti Kalar, will lead you through this journey in a virtual group on Zoom. *Please ensure you are able to commit to all 8 sessions.

Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting (Registered)

This 9-week program teaches you long-term solutions that develop your parenting practice – this isn’t permissive parenting and it isn’t punishment! It is about teaching non-violence, empathy, self-respect, and human rights and how these relate to your parenting.